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GCC Photo Albums
All Photos by Evergreen Photographic
John R. Spurr
unless Otherwise Noted

Greenwood Christian History

Our Album 2010

Our Album 2009

Album 6/25/2007

Missionaries to Venezuela: Luke & Carol Hightshue (Team Expansion Missionaries)
The Couple spoke during 4 services and then attended he "Meet the Minister Pizza Dinner below"

New Members:
Mary Cloud and Son, Shan

Pizza With the Pastors:
Meet the Pastors for New Guests and New Members. Lead Pastor Perry Anderson.

Perry Anderson
Minister of Pastoral Care

Kent Patterson
Minister of Outreach
David Strange
Minister of Operations
chowing down

Scott Pitts
Minister of Children

Cake anyone?

Some of our new friends
and New Members

"Don't even think
of touching my

Keith Groves

Senior Pastor
Shan Rutherford &
his wife Karen

Featured Musician, Curtis Earle:
Curtis is part of our Praise Team & is the lead guitar which perform during our Sunday morning services.
He works for the US Postal Services and has been playing stringed instruments since he was a little tyke and loved to play his ukulele. Curtis is married to his lovely wife, Jean.


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Copyright © 2010 Evergreen Photographic Illus. & Design
Last modified: 05/14/12