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Samples and Thoughts

Thought for today: When handing out your business card today, take another look at it and ask yourself this question: "If I were given this card today is there anything extra-special about it that would cause me to think twice before I threw it in the can?" If there isn't, there should be. 

Your business card maybe the only lasting impression of you and your business that will remain after you have gone. You should not leave it to chance and your local print shop to rubber stamp you into never-never land and end up being out of site and out of mind.

Think about your Business Card as a mini-portrait and sales tool that should be continually promoting after you are out the door. Your Card should be:

*Idea Provoking
*Memorable - i.e. Be able to cause your prospect keep an image of you in his mind of for longer than 5 seconds.

Let EPID custom design your next business card as mediocrity doesn't become you.
We produce full color as well as flat and thermo graphic ink cards. Call or email us for a quote. 317-535-4120  Boojum@Prodigy.net 

ClarkPleasantLib1bsmall.jpg (45732 bytes) 49FordNPlasma2.jpg (22193 bytes) clownfamily1.jpg (54667 bytes) fairfield1a.jpg (79741 bytes) AZBANK1.jpg (65638 bytes) SierraVistaAZLibrary1.jpg (22575 bytes) 

ducks3.jpg (117472 bytes) Sometimes things can be just ducky.

  Cup&Spelt1.jpg (119478 bytes) Sometimes you are in the mood for some sustenance and you must have it in only that particular location. Ahh!! A fresh loaf of Spelt Bread in a mountainous valley in Old Europe.

TeaPot1a1.jpg (141747 bytes)Ahhhh! The flavor of freshly brewed tea on a crisp Autumn Morn.

KidsRestore.jpg (75449 bytes)What would you have done with the 60 year old original Picture? It was faded, discolored and spotted. How about letting EPID do wonders to it.

SonoitaGsttwn&grl1.jpg (97018 bytes) The Old West.....Ghost Towns, Cow Girls, and Sixshooters...If only in ones mind's view.

AZWhiteMntns1.jpg (82832 bytes) The Old West.....Meets the New West. Pine Trees, Cattle in the High Mountains of Arizona.

mesa1ajewelry.jpg (84632 bytes) Jewelry sometimes is best viewed in relation to the culture that created it.

DogPortrait1.jpg (69898 bytes) To answer your question before you ask, "Yes we offer Pet Photography."

Renaissance6d1.jpg (66859 bytes) The Presentation of Wedding Portfolio is so important. The "Right" Wedding Album is just as important as the photos you select to how your Wedding will be received. Let us help you with a wide selection of albums from... Renaissance, Tap, Topflight as well as many others.

Sunflowers1b.jpg (119603 bytes)  Sunflowers2b.jpg (135350 bytes)  GCC2ab.jpg (53158 bytes)    DTGWD1b.jpg (103788 bytes)  3Crosses3a1b2.jpg (63878 bytes) 
  Zapper2a.jpg (111960 bytes)  Retouch1a.jpg (78772 bytes)  flower2.jpg (192258 bytes)  Baby1Restore1.jpg (52247 bytes)   Aventisframes3a.jpg (37402 bytes) Aventisframes.jpg (55790 bytes) REBkg1.jpg (76583 bytes)

Thank You  for visiting our Samples and Thoughts Page !.......

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Send mail to epid001@gmail.com or boojum@prodigy.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2010 Evergreen Photographic Illus. & Design
Last modified: 05/14/12