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Evergreen Photographic
Illustration & Design

Complete Photographic & Digital Design Services

Please enjoy your time spent here.  We have been revamping the site and have even more content.  Please come back often to see what is new.
Thank You for visiting us ... JRS

Our Mission



Samples and Thoughts

Greenwood Christian Media Page

Special Event Coverage in Central Indiana

Our Sister Site: IndyDigital.biz

Click Logo for Menu Needs

A Sample of various effects that are available to suit any need
that you may have in mind.
Numbers 1 & 3 are of Muskegon Bay, Lake Michigan
While # 2 was taken in Indiana, Johnson County.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008

Company Profile

In and doing business for over 25 years. Mainly covering Indiana and surrounding states. Although we do have customers from the Southwest and South East of the US. Photographic and Graphic Design Needs are our specialties. We handle assignments ranging from food photography to weddings. From photo restoration to digital mastering. As well as graphic design items such as full color menus, business cards, posters, model/actor comp sheets, and on-location musician photography for albums and the web. This is just a sampling of the many areas in which we can serve you.

Contact Information

We at EPID welcome your comments and questions at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

317-535-4120 or 317-300-4195
Postal address
625 E. Pushville Rd. Greenwood, IN 46143
Electronic mail
General Information: epid001@gmail.com
Sales: epid00@gmail.com
Customer Support: epid001@gmail.com
Webmaster: epid001@gmail.com
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Send mail to epid001@gmail.com or boojum@prodigy.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2010 Evergreen Photographic Illus. & Design
Last modified: 08/08/12